My friend finally meeting my creative partner + look back on the weekend
Sep 01, 2020
03:24 PM

Friends + Skateboards + Work

After a long long time of not spending time with my beloved friends my creative partner @parkerschmidt came to visit & work with me in Amsterdam. More than enough reasons to finally introduce this β€œguy I have been stalking about for ages” to my friends. On a side note... this was 2 days before we found out that The Netherlands is going back under COVID-19 rules. So please excuse us for being so close together. Everyone is healthy <3

We spend all Saturday in the city working at the DEUS Cafe followed by drinks in Haarlem. That part went as followed: 🍾+πŸ₯‚+🍷+πŸ€ΈπŸΌβ€β™€οΈ+🎺+🚨+πŸ•=🌜

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