Running my first 10K
Sep 09, 2019
07:05 PM
How to run a 10K
Get a squad. It’s best to have some friends to keep you accountable to train for your run. Make sure they’re as committed as you - if they’ve done it before that’s even better bc they can give you the inside personal experience of what to expect and be successful.
Get a good workout regiment
Find a good training buddy. Be consistent. Train hard but don’t overtrain. Don’t only run. Work on your endurance and have fun! If you’re not having fun you’re not gonna stick to it and that’s when you can be in danger of quitting.
Eat Healthy!
Find a nutrition that works for you. Every body is different. Some of us are naturally lean, some of us are naturally muscular. Find the foods that work for your body type. Don’t be afraid to experiment but don’t flip flop all over the place. Pick a nutrition plan and stick to it. This will work wonders on your body and mind.
Go Hard or Go Home
Do your best. What else can you aim for if not your best? At the end of the day you’re really only competing against yourself. Don’t beat yourself up over what your time will be - just give it your all and you’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish!
Enjoy your medal
You earned it. Be proud of yourself and what you accomplished. Crossing that finish line is extremely satisfying. Don’t give up and you’ll be amazed what you can accomplish.