Welcome! You’re in the right place to learn how to grow succulents–wherever you live!
You’re here because you love succulents, but you’re not sure if you can grow them in your local environment.
I totally understand! And I’ve got good news for you…
Anyone can grow succulents, no matter where they live,and I’m going to give you the foundation you need to do just that.
Many people want to grow succulents but don’t have the perfect growing conditions for them. In fact, I’m part of that group of people, too!
For some people, growing succulents is a breeze. For others, it’s a daily struggle. Either way, this guide will teach you the essential components to find success growing succulents in less than ideal circumstances.
Words by: Succulents and Sunshine
Some people say that succulents are hard to kill–but that makes me cringe a little. Like with all plants, you need to know how to care for succulents in order to keep them alive.
The good news is that, compared to a lot of other kinds of plants, succulents are generally very forgiving , and easy to keep alive. It’s just that in some parts of the world (or parts of your home) you’ll need to use a few specialist tricks to make sure they thrive.
In this post, I’m going to show you exactly what you need to do to help your succulents be their very best, in the easiest way possible.
Sound good? Let’s get started!
Pick the right plants
One thing I’ve learned over and over (from the tragic deaths of many succulents) is that some succulents grow better in my home, while others thrive outside on my porch. Most succulents won’t survive the winter outside where I live.
But not all succulents will do very well inside my home either. I don’t have very much natural light, so a lot of my plants struggle indoors.
If you’re growing succulents outdoors you’ll want to read up on how much sunlight they need. While the labels on many succulents say “full sun,” they may not tolerate 100 degree weather with direct sun all day (though some will).
And even if they can acclimate to full sun, they’ll typically need some time to get used to it if they’ve been purchased from a nursery where they were kept in a greenhouse.
You’ll also want to be aware of your succulents’ frost tolerance. For those of us with cold winters, Sempervivums and stonecrop Sedums are our go-to outdoor succulents. I’ve loved being able to create potted arrangements for my porch that will survive year round and always look great!
Words by: Succulents and Sunshine
No light no problem.
If you’re growing succulents indoors and (like me) don’t have a lot of natural light in your home, then you’ll want to look for plants that tolerate low light. Most Haworthias and Gasterias are great in low light.Sansevieriasare also becoming a new favorite of mine. They need hardly any light or water.
Sadly, you’ll want to avoid Echeverias if you don’t have much light. They tend to get stretched out as they try to find more light.
In general, more colorful succulents, like Sedumnussbaumerianum, need plenty of light to maintain their color. Succulents that are naturally green tend to be happier indoors.
If you tend to over water, try to find succulents that are forgiving of over-watering, or that need more water. Since Portulacaria afra has thin leaves I’ve found it needs to be watered more often. Crassula arborescens undulatifolia and Aeonium zwartkop are two others I’ve found to need more water.
On the other hand, really plump succulents like Graptoveria ‘Fred Ives’, Pachyveria glauca, and Aloe brevifolia can go much longer before needing water again. You’ll also find that cacti, such as Mammillaria rhodantha and Mammillaria gracilis fragilis, are very tolerant of long periods of drought.
Words by: Succulents and Sunshine