“It’s hard not to notice such beauty in the world.”
Growing up I always seemed to have this little issues with flower. Every time my family would bring home flowers from the market it made immediately sad. Why take something so beautiful and just sit there and watch it die as the days go by?
But it’s wasn’t till I grew up and had my own home, with my own rules that plants started becoming something i adored. As time went by i asked people to stop buying me flowers if they ever felt the urge too. It wasn’t long after that my own husband would come home with a basil plant instead of a bouquet of flowers ! I had officially become the plant lady in my group of friends and family! Heheh
The more I became obsessed with plants the more beautiful they seemed to get. Above are photos of some of the most interesting and beautiful plants I have ever seen! Who would have thought that a leaf could look more like a painting.
Ps some of these plants are so rare that they cost fortunes! It’s crazy to think a plant can cost as much as a designer bag. And sadly I would rather the plant hehe 🌱