I watched every single James Bond movie.
Yes. Every. Single. One.
So quarantine has got me losing my mind and I needed something to binge. A friend suggested going with all the James Bond movies. Great! I watched them when I was younger with my father (who is a serious Bond fan). So I was down, it was going to take lots of time and that’s exactly what I needed during quarantine.Fun fact: There are 25 movies in total (including one that is not “technically” a Bond film but stars Sean Connery). So yes. I watched them all! It took me 2 long weeks and boy, was it ever an adventure.
I would not tell anyone to binge all 25 unless you really REALLY want too, then that’s on you.
In this mag I am going to tell you the top 10 movies to watch (which FYI is still a shit ton of movies).
So read on for the low down :)
Sean Connery.
The original.
So you can’t start a Bond marathon without the first movie: Dr. No, 1962.
This was Sean Connerys first real acting role. He was previously an extra, or muscle man on various shows before being cast as Bond.
As a warning, it is super racist and uses women as objects. If you look past all that it’s a great action movie that sets up so many aspects of Bond movies to come. Remember, it was filmed in 1962 (lots has changed since then, thank gosh!)
I would then proceed to watch two more of Sean’s movies as Bond: Goldfinger, 1964 and Diamonds are Forever, 1971.
Goldfinger is an iconic movie, and so many scenes and aspects of it have been used in Bond movies since. It’s an important piece of James Bond cinematic history. You also can’t forget how absolutely catchy the theme song is!
Next would be Diamonds are Forever which was Sean’s final official movie as Bond. The story isn’t as enthralling and critics have said that Connery gave a subpar performance but I liked it. I find it particularly interesting that you can see how much has changed with the writing and the technology from his first movie.
As a warning I should let you know that I have skipped a few movies (and the train wreck that was On Her Majesty’s Secret Service, 1969). They had replaced Connery with George Lazenby, who was a great Bond but it truly doesn’t tie in to any of the other movies.
- Dr. No
- Goldfinger
- Diamonds are Forever
Roger Moore.
The heart throb. Don’t even @ me
One of my favorite Bond’s was Roger Moore, I am not entirely sure why, but I feel like he was exactly what Bond was supposed to be. It also helped that the writing was better, and so were the props.
We have officially entered the 70s and now women are no longer objects but spies that help out 007. It is an upgrade, so I’ll take it.
What Roger Moore movies MUST you watch? The Spy Who Loved Me, 1977 and A View to a Kill, 1985. I feel like these two movies really show how charming he was as Bond and also have the best story lines (aka the most “believable”)
The Spy Who Loved Me was one of my favorite films. It features a lady spy who was so headstrong and brave and I really respected her character. You also have the introduction of the classic muscleman Jaws, he’s in two movies and you couldn’t miss watching him!
A View to a Kill was his final movie as a Bond, and I really felt like he left it in such a high note. You also have Christopher Walken as the villain (!!!) So obviously this made it on the list.
Watch list:
- The Spy Who Loved Me
- A View to a Kill
Pierce Brosnan
Damn, he’s a daddy.
The next James Bond in our list is of course Pierce Brosnan (you get thirsty just reading his name lol).
As a side note: in between Roger Moore and Pierce Brosnan there was Timothy Dalton. Dalton had two horrible movies, and I truly would not suggest anyone to watch them. Silly story line, horrible acting, they do not mesh with the franchise at all.
Okay! So diving right in, I would watch two of Brosnan’s movies: The World is not Enough, 1999 and Die Another Day, 2002.
These are Brosnan’s second last and last movies as Bond (in total he did 4).
Both of these movies are completely star studded with Halle Berry, Denise Richards and Judy Dench joining the cast. If you haven’t figured out already I love a strong female ensemble.
I feel like these two movies are a turning point for the Bond films, things are more serious and the story lines flow much more smoothly. I also enjoyed Brosnan as Bond for his slick humor that I think worked the best for all the Bonds.
The World is not Enough, was such an interesting film for me because (spoiler alert, oops) the bad guy, for the first time, was a woman.
Both these movies also incorporate a lot of the history of Bond, even touching upon past props from the Connery days which I really appreciated. Who doesn’t love some classic nostalgia?
Watch list:
- The World is not Enough
- Die Another Day
Daniel Craig
Mic drop.
The final Bond (so far) we have Craig picking up the name from 2006- 2020 (which he has said the final movie to come out will be his last, doing officially 5 movies).
This new era of Bond is serious, all movies connect, and we have some insane special effects. These movies are the most classic, diverse and have you at the edge of your seat the entire time.
I appreciate Craig as Bond because he brings something so different and unique to the role. He also does not play the role corny, or make himself out to be a womanizer. In one movie he doesn’t even sleep with the Bond girl!! (assuming that’s more the writing then the actor).
Out of the four of Craig’s movies, I am going to suggest you watch 3: Casino Royale, 2006, Quantum of Solace, 2008 and the last Spectre, 2015. Skyfall, 2012 falls in the middle of these movies. Out of all of them I liked this one the least, and I felt like it should have taken place after Spectre. Many people will disagree with me, but again this is my opinion (and my mag!)
I found it interesting that they made Craig a new “character” with no history. The other Bond’s have been continuous and not acknowledged that they are different people. This new Bond has recently taken up the mantle of a “double 0” and is fresh (with no Moneypenny in sight).
Watch list:
- Casino Royale
- Quantum of Solace
- Spectre
So that is my James Bond must watch list!
I am located in Canada, and for some reason none of these movies are on any streaming sites (seriously @netflix where u @?)
I rented some on YouTube and I streamed some (oops). They are particularly easy to find though, just give a little search on google!
These ten movies will take you a nice long time, especially during quarantine I know we need things to do.
Now, you can screenshot this last page because I am going to list the ten movies in order.
Watch list:
- Dr. No
- Goldfinger
- Diamonds are Forever
- The Spy Who Loved Me
- A View to a Kill
- The World is not Enough
- Die Another Day
- Casino Royale
- Quantum of Solace
- Spectre
Happy watching!