Israel Summer 22
Since we booked last minute, we had no other choice than to fly with LOT airlines. We normally take El Al but due to last minute bookings we had no other option. The flight was great, however the time of arrival was a pain in the ass having a 1.5 year old with us. BUT, Asher was a trooper! We landed at 4am….brutal.
First stop, borekahs!
Second stop, visiting Clara’s sister and family.
Third stop, visiting my buddy Nathan who was visiting from LA as well.
Let the photo dump begin!
Until next time ✌🏼
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Jerusalem Day with fam from LA
Port Said Lunch. So nice not having to wait 2 hours. Normally dinner time is a 1-2 hour wait. No reservations.
Asher stuffing his face
Showing our niece’s and nephew their new baby sister!
Asher and TonTon
Israel market run
Inspecting the rental 🚗
Beach and pool days
Wedding of the century 🕺🏻
Coco Bambino night