Silent fights and solo flights
New heights
New life
Birds chirping, incense burning
Refa flowing, a steady motion
My daily potion
Free as the breeze that blows
Shedding layers just as quick as the trees that blow in an autumn breeze
New life is here
Being birthed
Birthed of the natural
Let it all work out
It’s hard to climb a ladder with someone at the bottom kicking at it
Causing it to be unsteady
Making you all panicky and nervous
Imagine that person being your partner
Young bitch so hype for a man done signed yourself up for some dumb shit
Blame myself for this one
Been sitting round here trying to take this pain like a G
Done turned me changed me
Now he mad at me
“Too much like me”
Is what he says
My demeanor so cold he thinks I’m trying to bump chest
Excuse me sir im a lady
Stop clock
Time is of thee essence! Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today! Dream big work hard, your word is stone, don’t miss dates with those important to you or work/school related. Be ever present and remain steadfast
Steadfast in life
Steadfast in love
Steadfast in trust
Work hard pray harder
Time is of thee essence don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.. Your presence is in the flesh here and now.
Domestic violence
Bigger than someone putting their hands on you!
Verbally killing your pride ego or self esteem
Estranging you from anything that will help remember your name or from which you came
Fellas today love to play the blame game
Make babies and lay the burden on the momma for producing the seed
If it starts at day1 it will be there for the days to come
Domestic violence is much bigger than a physical thing
Killing the spirit
Killing the esteem
Killing a person and not in the physical is extremely dangerous and is the worse form of domestic violence there is.
If you are suffering from going through or know someone who is help pray them through. The strength is in numbers
A pain that is unreal
A hurt not needed to be inflicted
On a life…. A life that obviously wasn’t on meant to be
Bring a baby home to me or
My family
of 4
Is now plus 1 more
Yeah this life is no more
All locked doors and no you can’t have a key
Not to a motherfucking one pertaining to me
There is no we
Calm streams
Can be heard falling from the sky
Puddles start to form
Day showers
The sky is bright from the sun
Flowers bathing in both
Nature again brings life
Rain drops fall bigger and harder
At a more rapid pace
And the puddles, some have grown to the size where they look like lakes
You can view the rain drops falling gives the water a sort of wave forming
Lightning strikes across the sky
And a breeze blows through the kitchen window. As I stare out into the parking lot at what Mother Nature is doing.
Sounds of rain beating on an empty flower pot can be heard atop the rain hitting the ground