Meet Otis.
Sep 30, 2020
06:49 PM

Chewing 101

Buy toys. Lots of them. Puppies love to chew. Teething is real.

Sleeping is every other hour.

Don’t stress. Puppies need to snooze.


Eating. 3 times a day.

6am, 12pm & 4pm.

A schedule makes it easier to track peeing and pooping :)

Thanks for listening. Stay tune for more Otis content.

Otis is a CavaPoo.

Cavalier x Mini Poodle.

Currently 10 weeks old.

3.4 pounds.

I think he’ll be 12 pounds... but who really knows!

We got him from Picture Perfect Puppy in Kansas City, Missouri. Best breeder in the world. Otis came potty trained. Pretty insane.

He is currently working on socializing with other dogs in safe environments.

Bye bye 💛

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