Training will not replace your bad food choices. As well as a good diet will never replace your training.
The truth is, abs are made in the kitchen and no amount of cardio and crunches can sculpt a sleek physique if you maintain an unhealthy diet.
As well as a healthy diet without proper workout will never help you to build muscles, make your body toned, increase your endurance, or flexibility.
They say 70% Diet, 30% Training.
There is a research that shows energy expenditure and comes to the conclusion, that dieting is responsible for 92% of weight loss while exercising is only responsible for 8% of weight loss.
Weight loss! Get it?
Weight means water (inflammation), muscles and fat! It’s not about muscle gain or even FAT loss!
""Nothing great was ever achieved with partial effort.""
It’s 100% diet. 100% training. 100% passion!