Rosanne Steeneken
Photography tips ⚡️
This time with jewelry brand Haraves of London
Apr 21, 2020
06:17 AM
How I shoot jewelry + model
Mini campaign in Amsterdam Noord Hotel
Haraves Of London is one of my longtime clients where I’m taking a lot of passion into. I direct the shoot what means I pick my models carefully and make sure the pieces show there full potential.
This winter I shot their lineup again and I’m stoked to bring some example shots with a model + a couple tips!
Make sure pay attention to the focus. A low fstop can sometimes make the pieces unsharp. Try shooting at 2.8 or even 4.0
I love using color in my outfits. Especially with gold I can make or break a shot
“Create movement in your photos” I valued that advise tremendously when I started photographing product + people. Unless it’s the style you are trying to go for it can be tricky and unnatural to just straight on shoot the necklace.
As well as movement, playing with light can help you out a lot. Make sure you still see a part of the subject you are shooting with the jewelry to keep the story alive.