Which is Better- Sunrise or Sunset?
Which is better- sunrise or sunset? We don't have a panel of experts to ask, so we'll have to make do with my reasoning- such as it is.
Some folks prefer sunrise. Sunrise signals the end of night, the end of darkness. Sunrise represents the beginning of an exciting new day. Sunrise happens at a time when many people are still sleeping. If you enjoy solitude, this is a good reason to enjoy the sunrise. For maximum sunrise enjoyment, it helps to be a morning person!
Other folks prefer sunset. It happens at a time which is more convenient for many people. You can easily share the beauty of a sunset with friends. Nightfall follows sunset. Nightfall is when lightning bugs come out, crickets start chirping, owls start hooting. I remember playing hide-and-seek at nightfall as a child. It was so much fun! Nightfall is such a magical time of day!
As you scroll through the photos, try and guess whether each is a sunrise, or a sunset!
All photographs taken in Florida by John Kumiski. All text and photos copyright john kumiski 2021. All rights reserved.
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So, which is better- sunrise or sunset? It's silly argument. They are both special. In a photograph, you can't tell which is which! So make it a point to enjoy one, or enjoy the other, or enjoy them both. Each is a great reason to celebrate, and each happens only once every day!