I’ve posted quite a bit of my work, but here’s a little about me!
Dec 19, 2020
08:51 PM
Phoenix, AZ
Phoenix, AZ

Nice to meet you!

My name is Rachel Zuckerberg and I’m a photographer from Metro Detroit, Michigan. I graduated from Columbia College Chicago with a degree in Fashion Business, but I honestly spent way more time focusing on fashion photography than business.

Moving to Chicago and attending CCC was the best decision I ever made. I improved as a photographer astronomically, studied abroad twice, and met the most crazy, creative people who are now my best friends.

I am inspired by travel and being in new surrounding and seeing life through the eyes of others. I’m extroverted, so my inspiration also comes from the interesting people around me.


Amsterdam, Netherlands
Amsterdam, Netherlands

I can’t stress enough how much travel has influenced my creative work, and myself as a person. I make an effort to take every opportunity to travel, because you never know what can happen.... @covid.

Bönigen, Switzerland
Bönigen, Switzerland
Burano, Italy
Burano, Italy
Masada, Israel
Masada, Israel

I did a semester abroad in Florence, Italy, where I traveled to 8 countries all around Europe. I interned with a graffiti artist in Tel Aviv, Israel. I hiked for 5 weeks in 7 different US national parks out west. These are just a few experiences that have opened my eyes to the world and all it’s beauty.

Go. Travel. Do it!!


Photography has been my passion since middle school. My focuses are fashion and portrait photography, though I do enjoy landscape as well. Even outside of photography, I always find myself involved in photoshoots. Styling, makeup, assisting... I love it all! I’m definitely team Nikon, but have worked with Canon, Panasonic, and Mamiya as well.

Check out my website and my others Mags to see more of my work. I have been shooting film recently too, so subscribe to see my film shots very soon!


I could make a whole Mag (or 5) about how much I love Chicago. Ever since I was 10 I told my parents I was going to college out of state in a big city... and I did! I was living my big city dream as I lived downtown, rode the trains, and learned how to be a local. I had the best four years and was devastated to leave when the pandemic hit. I can’t wait to go back, and hope you get to experience it too.

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