As my 23rd birthday approaches, Iβve been reflecting on 23 lessons I have learned in the 23 years I have been living on this earth.
I hope I can shed some light, inspire, or spread the positivity.
1. Appreciate your home team. The peeps that have been there since day one. They will always be your biggest support system.
2. Not everyone will like you or have something nice to say about you. And that's ok.
3. Put yourself in uncomfortable situations, outside your comfort zone - whether that is with a career, a relationship, or a life decision.
4. Never be sorry for the choices you make.
5. Always put YOU first.
6. Know your worth, if you don't feel it, walk away.
7. It's ok to cry, sometimes it is something to laugh about later.
8. Find your girl gang, if you find multiple ones, that is even better.
9. EVERYTHING happens for a reason, purpose, some fate. If it doesn't happen right away, be patient, it will come.
10. Listen to your mother. Enough said.
11. Not everyone has to know everything about you.
12. Be 100% honest and truthful with yourself.
13. A heartache can be a blessing in disguise and things will get better.
14. Stress takes a large toll on your body more than you know or think.
15. Sometimes being a sunny positive person has its downsides.
16. Friends come and go and that's ok. Not everyone will stay in your life forever.
17. It is so damn important to check up on people. Even a short and sweet "hello, hope you are well" can go a long way.
18. It is ok to completely cut people from your life for the right reasons if that is what it takes to move on.
19. School is important, but there is so much more to your youth than getting good grades.
20. High school was probably some of the best years of my life.
21. Never stop learning and keep searching for something new to grow into. Whether it is for professional or personal reasons, you can end up finding passions or strengths you didn't know you had.
22. Social media is a blessing and also probably the worst thing to ever exist for humanity.