My 2020 highlights
Jan 01, 2021
11:27 PM

Fun with my college roomies

This was a special night. We held a pregame with our guy friends and our neighbors. We all went downtown together as a house and had a blast. And probably one too many tequila drinks 🙈

Obvvvviouslyyyy the next morning we went for a dank, Santa Barbara hungover breakfast. I can assume we spent the rest of the day on our extremely comfortable couch :)

Last weekend before lockdown!

I spent the last weekend before going into lockdown with my best friends in Newport Beach. We were able to go to restaurants & bars which now sounds like an absolute dream. We also spent our Saturday afternoon on a Duffy boat!

Quarantine in Isla Vista

Our quarantine consisted of several long walks, indoor workouts, a LOT of cooking, little to no homework (spring quarter seniors), us time and of course many, many sunsets. Isla Vista is one of my favorite places in the world and I am so lucky to have been able to spend the first three months of quarantine in my favorite place!

UCSB graduation 💙💛

I did a thing in 2020! Many people do not know that I was a horrible high school student. I only cared about my social life & about Dance Company, def not my grades. This is why I started my college career at SBCC; because I simply didn’t have another option. I worked my ass off academically for the first time at SBCC and after two and a half years spent there, I transferred to one of the most prestigious universities. Wouldn’t trade this experience for anything. I had the time of my life in SB, and I am truly grateful!

Moved back to LA!

I moved back to LA in June for good after five years being in SB. Of course one of the first things I did was a picnic at the bluffs with my friends (some not pictured)! So beyond lucky to call these ladies my forever friends ❤️

Interned at SET ACTIVE

Again, if you know me you know I am OBSESSED with SET! I am friends with the CEO and was presented with an amazing opportunity to be the summer intern. I had the best time and learned soooooo much. Also got to add to my SET collection. Fun fact: I have a section in my closet juuust for my SETs!

Traveled to Big Bear!

One of my closest friends turned 25 in July! We went to Big Bear (covid cautious of course) to celebrate all together. A lot of yummy food, tequila, lake time and more. It was so nice to be able to get out of LA for the weekend and be together.

Celebrated many big bdays!

This year Brittany turned 30, dad turned 60, McCall turned 28, I turned 23, the twins turned 14 (scary) and Ali turned 50! Big bdayssss for sure! We had intimate celebrations at my Dad’s with all of our favorite foods: Jon and Vinnys (duh), Taeem, Don Antonio’s, Izakaya, Prime pizza and more. Us BRONSONS love our food! Baskin Robbins for dessert, always!!!


After a crazyyy year and of course mourning the loss of Laker legend Kobe Bryant, the Lakers came together and brought home the 2020 championship ring. I was raised to be a diehard Laker fan, so this was particularly special for everyone in the Bronson household. We did it for KB!

Let’s go 2021!

We all know 2020 was a year we will never forget. Despite the several tragedies, I am grateful for the many lessons I learned and for everything I have accomplished thus far! In the final month of 2020, I: broke my foot, landed my dream job AND got my first apartment in LA with my cousin/bff. So I say it ended on a pretty high note. Looking forward to everything to come in 2021. This wouldn’t be proper without me saying LET’S FUCKING GO

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