How to maximize WFH
Benefits of working remotely
One of the perks of working from home is being able to create a personalized work area in a way you may not be able to at the office. It’s all about creating a cozy yet productive space that is perfectly suited to your individual working style. Add elements that promote a calming or inspiring environment, such as fresh flowers, houseplants, task lighting, candles or beautiful crystals. (Success)
Another perk when it comes to WFH is Flexibility. Perhaps you like to exercise on your lunch hour instead of before or after work. Maybe you want to be able to throw a load of laundry in the dryer or unload the dishwasher before hoping on a conference call. There’s no doubt WFH gives you the flexibility to accomplish everything from quick personal errands to weekly household cleaning tasks in the short breaks that often occur throughout the day.
Start With Your Space
Building Your New Workspace
- Place yourself in a space where you know you won’t get distracted. If you live with others, make it known to everyone what your work hours are and when your break’s are.
- Don’t work in your living room or anywhere that is too comfortable and will encourage you to stay in one place for too long.
- Invest in supportive furniture that will maximize your workability and take care of your body. Realistically, invest in whatever you need to comfortably and efficiently do your job
The Little Things Matter Too
- Create a vision board with goals and aspirations personally and professionally and look at it every day. Working at home should get you closer to those goals.
- Invest in a great pair of earphones with a mic. Noise-canceling features can really help improve the clarity of your phone calls.
- Get dressed! Don’t work in your PJs. Not to get too personal right off the bat, but put some clothes on. It’s tempting, I know, to roll out of bed and blob over to your laptop in your pajamas. Or maybe not even get out of bed in the first place? It’s a trap. If you’re dressed for sleep, it’s going to be a lot harder to get your brain up to a canter, much less a gallop. (In this metaphor your brain is a horse, go with it.) More important, though, if you don’t get up, take a shower, brush your teeth, get dressed—whatever your morning routine entails when you actually do go into the office—you’re breaking the cardinal rule of working from home: Set boundaries. (Wired)
Time Management
- Set real work hours. Regardless of your schedule, be sure to establish set work hours to follow each day and remember to also enforce a hard limit at the end of the day and know when to clock out. At that time, distance yourself from work, so you don’t work nonstop and burnout.
- Stick to your schedule and/or plan. It’s tempting to run the dishwasher while you work or take a break to vacuum, but doing so can interrupt your flow and focus.
- Discover when you are most productive and build your work schedule around your peak productivity periods. For example, are you more creative in the morning? You may spend that time writing or brainstorming ideas for your latest project. The afternoons then could be a more relaxed time spent sitting on the sofa, sifting through emails and completing the rest of your tasks for the workday.
- Stay off social media during work hours. If you love using social media, then make it a habit to shut off social media notifications during the day. Consider even muting your notifications on your phone.
Health is Wealth
- With human interaction limited to strictly virtual communication for most of us, keeping in touch with family and friends within your work schedule’s boundaries is very necessary.
- Exercise and stretch daily. Exercising daily naturally boosts endorphins, which increases happiness, enjoyment, and interest levels, all of which are important for productivity.Regularly stretching helps you maintain great posture. At a minimum, stretch throughout the day so you don’t get sore or hinder your quality of life.You can also leave yourself motivational sticky notes by your bed, so they are the first thing you see and read in the morning. We recommend exercising in the morning when you have fewer objections and a longer payoff throughout the day. (Nextiva)
- Eat healthy meals and snacks. Another work from home reality is that we have full access to the kitchen. So, when it’s time for lunch or a snack break, we are immediately drawn to the usual snacks, such as chips, cookies, or leftover pizza.When we work in an office, we are at the mercy of whatever is available in the cafeteria or whatever lunch we brought from home. However, research has shown that eating fruits and vegetables has a direct link on overall productivity levels. You can also avoid buying unhealthy snacks altogether. (Nextiva)
- Working short, five-minute breaks into your daily schedule can amplify concentration and productivity. Research has also found that short breaks throughout the day are more beneficial than less frequent, longer breaks
What to do when you feel stuck?
- Create a reward system as an easy way to help you get things done - even the things you’ve been procrastinating and pushing off. Although it seems simple, using a basic rewards system will help you get things done and also feel fulfilled.
- Avoid watching TV, especially the News, while working; it sucks up your focus from the purpose of working at home. Instead, stream music that complements your work style.
- With social distancing in full effect, we understand that there aren’t too many places to adventure to in times of the need for inspiration. Still, take a break and simply go on a walk. Leaving the house on occasion can give you a change of scenery, which can help boost creativity and productivity. So get your shoes on, get outside and enjoy that fresh air. A different perspective will also help undo mental blocks and give you a fresh pair of eyes for any tasks you're struggling with.