Nothing can prepare you for being a parent. It’s really a learn as you go situation I’ve found. Every week your baby is getting to know the world and you are getting to know your baby and learning how to be a parent. That being said don’t be so hard on yourself, your baby has no idea what their doing either 😂
Here are some things that I’ve discovered these past 5 months that can hopefully help you too!
Swim Lessons
We started her at one month old doing one one on one zoom sessions with K & K online swim.
Some benefits of swimming:
- Swimming lessons reduces a child’s risk of drowning by 88%.
- By the age of 5, infant swimmers have better grasping, movement, and balancing skills than their peers.
- Swimming also activates both hemispheres at the same time, increasing cognition and ease in learning new material.
Sleep training
We used the book 12 hours’ sleep by 12 weeks old book. This book saved our life and helped us sleep train our baby (we did it in 14 weeks though because we wanted to wait until she was 14 pounds to take away the last feeding.) It makes it super easy to do and follow and if you’re consistent, it’s super successful. She now consistently sleeps 12 hours a night. It is LIFE.
The docatot
From the day she came home from the hospital she slept in here every night we put the doctor inside of the bassinet and shes super comfy. When it came time to move her into her room, we put the docatot inside her crib and she didn’t know the difference.
We recently just took the docatot away because she rolls over.
To remove the docatot we took the foam noodle part out of the docatot and put it underneath the sheet in the shape of the docatot. Each night we opened the U shape a little wider until we finally took it away. It worked great!
Baby Nail File
Baby’s nails grow crazy fast! It was impossible for me to cut her nails because she’s always moving but she’s much more relaxed with the file and it’s much quicker and safer.