Coming into the knowledge of being a cinematographer was never in my plans. However, God always showed me how my gift can multiply and make room for me. I am a writer before anything. I believe there are so much we encounter as we grow. Some things are hard to discuss so with a pen and paper being there, it’s easily to pour your heart out.
I’ve always been the type to express on paper. Sharing a piece of words that somebody may relate to is also sharing a blessing. I always stand firm that my craft and who I am cannot be compared to another artist. We are all unique in our own way and how we express the way we feel, what we experience, and what we learn sharing through the arts has nothing to do with who story is better. It’s good to know that someone is listening whether it’s local or global.
Writer VS Cinematography
When it comes to mistakes, it’s a question of what exactly is a mistake when it comes to art? We grow within our craft in a way of how to deliver the message. As I was growing in cinematography I was starving my writing for a period of time. When I was starving my writing, I questioned my gift once more. Because I believe who I am as a cinematographer reflect who I am as a writer. The only way for me to get back to my writing with God was to put down distractions that I was picking up. I had to put my phone on airplane mode, and go ghost like I felt once before. Keyword “felt”.
3 in 1
A wise cinematographer once told me on set, if you’re a good cinematographer you’ll make a good director. That’s 3 gifts in 1.
As a black female director/cinematographer, I don’t feel a burden within this industry. I don’t feel like I’m obligated to do certain things or tell certain stories to be in the mix. I believe in every story of a film, there’s something to be learned even if it’s cartoons. You have to make that something stand out that represents or tell some part of you on the inside.
Barry Jenkins once said “if you make something that everyone can relate to, you have something that no one can relate to.”
I had to continue to repeat that to understand what he was saying until I understood the depth of it. It wasn’t just a quote, it was advice to be yourself in a unique way.