Digital Content
I always believe that a person craft should challenge the mind. It’s very common to have a caption when posting on social media. Whether you’re explaining what you have posted. Expressing how you feel on a post. Or just finding tons of photos to dump to share with others.
“No caption | Just capping” became one of my captions at some point. I’m a silent sharer. When I create, I let my heart and mind speak instead of words. There are times I post with something to elaborate on or I just don’t have anything to say because what I have posted says enough.
Let your mind be inspired by someone else’s craft. Let it challenge what the person was feeling, why you think they captured it at a certain angle & why did they choose the colors. That’s the only way to appreciate art, in silence with our minds.
As a cinematographer, we are always so focused on keeping the shot in focus. I learned how much blurry stories can tell some interesting parts in a story. I’m beginning to use them more in a creative way.