The Start of Subway
In 1965, a freshman college student named Fred DeLuca needed money to be able to afford his college classes. He had the idea of opening a submarine sandwich shop to help pay for his college classes. A man named Peter Buck offered to pay a 1000 dollar investment for DeLuca to open his store. On August 28, 1965, DeLuca and buck opened their doors in Bridgeport, Connecticut. There shop was named Pete’s Subway. By 1974, they owned 16 locations. There goal was to own 32 locations. They also began letting people operate their own Subway franchise. This is where their repaid growth began.
Subway becomes a Fast Food Giant
By 1982, Subway claimed that they where the largest submarine sandwich chain in the United States. In 1984, Subway started expanding internationally. They opened their first international location in Bahrain. In September of 2015 DeLuca died. Day to Day control of the company was passed on to Suzanne Greco. Subway is still privately held. Currently all the stores are franchises. Subway has an astonishing 40,000 locations world wide!