Diastasis Recti
Feb 04, 2020
12:52 AM

Diastasis Recti

What is Diastasis Recti?

Is a partial or complete separation of the Rectus abdominis.

Why does this happen?

Your rectus abdominal, the six-pack muscles is a pair of long, flat muscles that run vertically down each side of your abdomen. These muscles hold in your internal organs and stabilize your core.

As your belly expands during pregnancy, the connective tissue gets stretched out, allowing the rectus abdominis to pull apart and separate vertically down the middle.

Sometimes the tissue heals, and the muscles come back together after delivery when your hormone levels return to pre-pregnancy levels. But if this doesn't happen in three to six months, you may have Diastasis Recti. Studies show that about 40 percent of women have a diastasis at six months postpartum.

How can I check if I have Diastasis Recti?

To check for a diastasis recti, lie on your back, with your knees bent and your feet on the floor. Place your hand, palm down over your belly, with your fingers pointing toward your toes. Press your fingers gently into your navel area, then slowly lift your head, drawing your chin to your chest. This causes your rectus abdominis to contract, If you feel a gap of at least two finger widths between the muscles as they contract, you have a diastasis. A gap as wide as four or five fingers is considered severe. Repeat the procedure below and above your belly button because the separation may be wider in different places. Another way to check is with your Dr.

What can I do about diastastis recti?

Once the connective tissue gets stretched out, it can be difficult to rebuild your core strength and bring your muscles back together. Doing traditional crunches can make your condition worse. They tend to make those muscles tighter, pushing them further apart and stretching the connective tissue, even more so that it grows thinner and weaker.

You can often correct a diastasis with specific exercises, but i would recommend guidance from a Personal trainer or physical therapist. (It can also help women who still look pregnant and have trouble strengthening their core, even if they don't have a diastasis recti.)

Safe exercises for diastasis Recti

This video will show you exercises you can do that are safe and will benefit you.

Complete each exercise for 45 seconds with a 15 second break.

Complete 2-3 rounds total.

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