What happened when I wore Pheromones.
Dec 06, 2019
02:29 AM

I sprayed pheromones on my neck and this is what happened.

By: Alec S.

On paper, I’m every girl’s dream: I’m tall, dark and handsome with a lean, muscular physique. I take care of myself, hitting the gym 5x/week. I’m not an alcoholic, or a degenerate gambler and I don’t use drugs. But when it came to meeting girls, I felt like a complete loser.

It’s not like I was only asking out lingerie models at A-list clubs. I tried scoring digits from average-looking ladies after yoga class, at coffee shops, farmer’s markets, and every other hipster place worth it's weight in $10 avocado toast.

Nothing seemed to be working—until I let the girls come to me by spraying myself with pheromones.

The Lure of An Animal

Whether you want another notch in your Tinder belt or you’re ready for a meaningful relationship, pheromones can make you irresistible to the opposite sex.

I know it sounds too good to be true. I was skeptical about pheromones myself. But within one week of consistently applying a pheromone men’s spray from a company called Eye of Love (I opted for their “Confidence” spray), no joke, I had 3 different women initiate conversation with me. (One at the gym, another at a dinner party and the thirdwhile hiking.)

When the 3 different women approached me, each time, I felt like I was Kramer in that Seinfeld episode where he’s hit on by a nun. In that episode, the nun is infatuated with Kramer, telling him he has the “kavorka,” a Latvian word for “the lure of an animal.”

There’s no doubt in my mind that the 3 different women who hit on me were thanks to Eye of Love pheromones. Although I was familiar with the concept of pheromones, I thought they belonged in the realm of fantasy, like unicorns. But then one night, I read a convincing article about pheromones in Scientific American and knew I had to try them.

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