Jan 10, 2021
10:14 PM
thanksgiving 2020
thanksgiving 2020

Hi from The Scotts ! I’m Chelsea, this is my husband Robby and our 7 month old baby boy - Brody. It’s nice to meet you πŸ’›

Welcome to a little snippet of a "day in our life.” Our days are simple, sweet and usually one of us is covered in spit up, ha! While each day varies, our foundation stays the same - wake :: feed :: play :: sleep :: repeat. πŸŒ™

Ready to see more? ⭐️

Grab a coffee, wipe your feet at the door and come on in πŸ˜ƒ

Our day with Brody starts at 7AM - rise and shine, sweet boy ! I will nurse him and get him changed for the day while Robby makes us breakfast. We do our best to have a sliver of family time in the morning before we get into the thick of our day. So, giggles over omelettes it is. Once we have cleaned up from breakfast and thrown the first load of laundry in the wash, it's workout time. Robby and I switch off getting our sweat in for the day while the other one of us is playing with B on his Lovevery playmat - highly recommend! Nap time for Brody is right around the corner which means that it's time for me to sneak in a shower and get ready to dive into work.

SIDE NOTE: We have implemented Moms On Call routine for Brody and have had huge success. Having a routine to lean on has made navigating through the day seamless for all three of us. If you are a parent and haven't yet heard of their platform, we absolutely recommend looking into!

Whether you are a working parent or not - you have a lot on your plate. Being a mom is a full time job and when you sprinkle other responsibilities on top of that it's incredibly easy to feel overwhelmedand drowning in your to do's.

I am currently working from home and while I am grateful to be doing so, it can feel difficult to balance it all. One piece of advice that I'm confident in sharing is prioritizingmakes all the difference. You can do anything but not everything - at the same time! Having a physical written to do list is my secret weapon - anyone else? Each day I write down the three non-negotiable items that I must get done before my head hits the pillow. If there is still fuel left in the tank after those items are crossed off the list then bam, I'll move on to the next order of business. If not, I still feel accomplished in my work load and can go to bed knowing that I got done what I needed to. All this to say, once Brody goes down for his nap, I am off to the races! I whip out to my do list and do the dang thing.

Remember mama, not all heroes wear capes. You're doing an incredible job :)

After a full day of playing, diaper changes, and juggling conference calls while cleaning the nursery - it's now 6:30PM which means . . . splish - splash, bath time ! While our dinner is in the oven, Brody is squeaky clean and is ready to nurse + have a book read to him + soak in mommy and daddy snuggles as he sucks his thumbs. Once Brody  is down for the night, Robby and I zone in to have a little 1:1 time and get regrouped to do it all again tomorrow!

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