Quick visit to Arizona to visit my grandparents!
Dec 23, 2020
02:04 AM

Scottsdale, Arizona

My home away from home.

Arizona has been my second home since the time I was born. I have visited my grandparents in AZ at least once a year, so I have been 20+ times. It never fails me! I always see something new or have a new experience. Due to the pandemic, this was quite a chill trip, as my boyfriend and I mostly stayed home to keep my grandparents safe and healthy.

Our excursions included walking around Old Town and sightseeing Downtown and Camelback Mountain, which never fails to disappoint around here.

The sun never fails to change my mood for the better (even though I think I’m allergic but whatever.)

My boyfriend had never been to Arizona prior, so it was special to show him one of my favorite places.

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